Managing your corporate retired IT assets can be a time-consuming task. When equipment is retired, leases expire or offices are consolidated, every organization is faced with the same challenges on how to handle the disposition or recycling of the effected equipment. LeadFoot Data Solutions has been helping organizations manage their IT assets for well over 20 years. LeadFoot Data Solutions supplies a service that allows companies to safely liquidate unwanted, decommissioned technology assets for both maximum financial profit and environmental stewardship.


A good quantity of decommissioned technology hardware can still have significant secondary market value. Why pay for disposal when you may be able to sell your equipment. With LeadFoot’s Asset Purchase program, we may be able to pay you for your used equipment and offer the following services:
• Nationwide packaging and pick-up available
• Coordinate shipping to the selected suppliers warehouse
• Inventory and reporting of S/N’s
• Removal and reporting of asset tags
• Data on hard drive removed according to government specifications and certification provided

The types of data we utilize for the valuation of technology hardware assets consist of gathering a combination of data. These data sources include the following:

• Prices recently paid for similar items in the secondary markets
• Current listing prices for similar items
• Recent online auction results
• Published price guides
• Catalog/Advertised prices
• Dealer quotes

Our firm subscribes to several print media and online databases for new and used pricing information. This data combines to form a solid overview of market information to form the basis of estimated values. With the true market value of your IT hardware assets in hand, you have the knowledge to make an in- formed decision if the trade in credit supplied by your value-added reseller or leasing company is the maxi-mum value you can obtain. Should you prefer the figure we present, we’ll prepare a formal purchase order to buy it directly.